Morserino-32 Kit Availability

Updated: : 2024 - July - 20

Some parts for the Morserino-32 are increasingly difficult to get. Especially the Heltec ESP-LoRa Module V 2.1 is at its end of life, not available on the distributor market anymore, and only being produced on demand, whenever there are free manufacturing capacities. In short this means that also the Morserino-32 kit is going into a sun-downing phase. So far this project was far more successful then ever envisaged - more than 9.400 kits have found a new home…

I am currently setting up another batch of  800 kits. These are now available on the web shop for pre-ordering, and the first kits of this batch will be shipped in early June. Please be prepared for a waiting time of around 6-8 weeks 5-6 weeks 4-5 weeks from pre-order to shipment initially, hopefully this waiting time can be shortened over the summer.

Spare parts are also available for pre-order.

Are there any plans for a successor? Not yet. The successor of the Heltec module, V3, is a very different beast from the V2.1 version, with different pin-outs and a different SOC, so there is neither hardware nor binary compatibility between the two. Over the next few months I will investigate further and make up my mind about this…

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